Obsession: Bloodsucker

Obsession: Bloodsucker
Obsession: Bloodsucker
Obsession: Bloodsucker
A party night inspired by “The Hunger” and vampire cinema!
Amadallis as Akasha in “Queen of the Damned” (burlesque)
Scarlett Fever and Nykky Hex (BD$M)
NRG Rope, Mikah Mew, and Madame V in “The Vampire Hang” (shibari/piercing)
Featuring DJs
7th Stranger
NMX (Club Fallout LA)
And a LIVE SET by E L E Z D (San Diego)
with dancing by the Sisters of Mercy Gogo Troupe and guests!
Hosted by Madame V, Bloody Wallflower, and The Pastel Pagan
With Dungeon Masters Mary8Jane and Lilith Noir
Take a vampy nap in our brand new COFFIN furniture piece and take a picture with the HEARSE parked out front!
Make sure to drink your fill of our specialty BLOOD SHOTS provided by shot mafia…
and join THE HUNT for our specialty Hunger themed prize bag, including items from featured vendor La Loupe Noir!
Sink your teeth in…
February 7th 2025 9pm-2am
EQ San Diego 1271 University Ave, San Diego CA 92103
Dress Code: Goth, F3t!sh, Vampiric
Coat check available
Free parking at DMV